The Illinois Secretary of State understands the importance of privacy to web site visitors. Some information is collected by the Illinois Secretary of State to assist the Office with improving customer service. Personal information is collected from our web site only when you provide the information on a voluntary basis. Under no circumstances will personally identifiable information, such as name, address, driver's license number, social security number, telephone number, and medical or disability information, be sold for commercial solicitation purposes. Personally identifiable information may be used only for purposes authorized by law.
All personally identifying information submitted by you on this web site is protected consistent with the Federal Drivers Privacy Protection Act and privacy protections contained in the Illinois Vehicle Code and other Acts applicable to the functions of this Office.
We currently do not enable "cookies." A "cookie" is a file placed on your personal computer's hard drive by a web site that allows the site to monitor your use of the site.
If you browse our site to read or download information, we use software programs to collect and create summary statistics regarding what is most and least interesting for our visitors or to identify system performance or problem areas. No personally identifiable information is collected. The following types of information are collected:
If you use an online service, such as renewing your license plate online, the information will be saved for a designated period of time in order to comply with the policies of the State Records Commission.
If you send us an email, the information may be saved for a designated period of time or shared within the Office of the Secretary of State in order to facilitate a response.
The Privacy Policy is subject to change. We encourage you to check back regularly.
The Illinois Secretary of State grants users of the Website a limited license to access and make personal, non-commercial use of the Website for lawful purposes in accordance with these Terms of Use. This license does not include any resale, commercial use, or derivative use of this site or its contents. The use of data mining, scraping, harvesting, robots, spiders, crawlers, and/or similar data gathering or extraction tools is strictly prohibited. The use of any process, software, mechanism, tool, device or other means to send automated queries to the Website is strictly prohibited. The Illinois Secretary of State reserves the right to deny access to any users it deems to be in violation of these Terms of Use and will pursue all legal remedies for any such violations.
The Department of Information Technology of the Office of the Secretary of State maintains the Secretary of State's web site as a public service. While effort is made to provide accurate and current information, we do not warrant that the information and materials are free from error.
Users should be aware that outside resources or organizations linked to are beyond the Secretary of State's control and may not adhere to the Privacy Policy of this Office.
Information presented on the Secretary of State's web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our web site and correct errors.
Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.